“Healthy Employees Are Good For Business and the Bottom Line”
At VP Benefits Group our corporate wellness programs focus on helping you provide valuable tools to improve employee health and lower health care costs one employee at a time. Workplace wellness takes advantage of employers’ access to employees at an age when interventions can still change their long-term health trajectory. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act) supports this trend with several provisions regarding health promotion (DOL.GOV)
The worksite organizational culture and environment are powerful influences on employee behavior. The Benefits of worksite wellness programs for employees include:
- Weight reduction
- Improved physical fitness
- Increased stamina
- Lower levels of stress
- Increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem
Employers can also benefit from worksite wellness programs. According to recent research, employers’ benefits are:
- Reduced healthcare costs
- Enhanced recruitment and retention of healthy employees
- Decreased rates of illness and injuries
- Reduced employee absenteeism
- Improved employee relations and morale
- Increased productivity
A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report in 2002 revealed that at worksites with physical activity programs, employers have:
- Reduced healthcare costs by 20 to 55 percent
- Reduced short-term sick leave by six to 32 percent
- Increased productivity by two to 52 percent
VP Benefits Group will help design, implement and manage a wellness program that will:
1) Engage employees by addressing their desire to take control of their health and benefits
2) Identify employee health risks and areas of interest
3) Personalize health care and benefits information for each employee
4) Motivate the employee to proactively manage his/her health
5) Measure the impact of changes in employee behavior, risk and consumption
A Corporate wellness program can include any of the following online and offline tools to help your organization accomplish its objectives:
1) Annual Corporate Wellness Fair
2) Health Risk Assessment
3) Health Screenings
4) Incentive Programs
5) Customized Communication